Phang Khai SIang

Phang Khai SIang

Friday, February 13, 2009


I had an argument with my sis last month. It was something about me not able to go oversea while both of em' went to aus and UK. Is unfair to me simply because (i think) i score better, i work harder and here i am. Monash Sunway. Not exactly what my parents promised me. They had what they were promised.

After the argument she went and told my mum about it. She came and talk to me about it (clearly, im extremely unhappy with it, at the same time i know they cant afford it.). I clearly explain myself again i am not demanding to go oversea. i am jus feeling unfair about it. Just a moment ago she came and say "lets go monash now, we apply for exchange." So i said "Halfhearted, go away!"

I continue with my computer games and ignored her.

(both my siblings went aus n UK under transfer, 1 went for 2 years, 1 more currently middle of his 1st year. What they are asking me to go is Half a Year. Still HALFHEARTED. I dun like it)

Be in my shoe be u start giving me lectures.

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